Habibi NY increased conversion rate by 76%
In simple terms, we help your users obsess over your brand online.

Conversion Rate Optimization.

Quantitative Analysis
We kick off by delving into the numbers. Through in-depth data analysis using tools like Google Analytics and Shopify, we uncover critical insights into user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion metrics.
Qualitative Analysis
Numbers only tell part of the story. We complement data analysis with qualitative insights. Heatmaps reveal where users are most engaged, user recordings unveil real-time interactions, and interviews provide direct feedback.
Competitive Research
To outshine the competition, we need to understand it. Our competitive research goes beyond surface-level analysis, dissecting strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. It's not about mimicking; it's about innovating based on industry benchmarks.
Industry Benchmark
Trends evolve, and we stay ahead. Through extensive industry research, we identify emerging patterns, consumer behaviors, and technological advancements. Your site isn't just built for today; it's crafted to stand strong in the face of future trends.
Brand Analysis
Your brand is unique, and our strategies reflect that. We conduct a thorough brand analysis to ensure that every aspect of your online presence aligns seamlessly with your brand identity. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a digital extension of your brand essence.
CRO Strategy
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is at the core of our strategy. Based on data and insights, we craft a customized CRO strategy. It's not about guesswork; it's about systematically enhancing your site to drive higher conversions.

Web Design.

Before the pixels, there are wireframes. We sketch out the skeletal structure of your site, defining layout and functionality. It's the blueprint that ensures every element has a purpose and a place.
Creative Direction
Your brand deserves a visual identity that resonates with the user. Creative direction goes beyond aesthetics; it defines the tone, style, and emotion conveyed through design. It's the compass guiding every visual aspect of your brand.
Messaging & Copywriting
Words matter. Our copywriting isn't just about describing; it's about persuading. We craft engaging, compelling copy that not only communicates your message but also drives action.
UX Design
User Experience (UX) is not just a buzzword; it's our obsession. From seamless navigation to intuitive interactions, our UX design ensures users not only stay but enjoy every moment spent on your site.
UI Design
User Interface (UI) is where aesthetics meet functionality. Our UI design elevates your site's visual appeal while maintaining a user-friendly interface. Every color, font, and element is thoughtfully curated for an unforgettable visual experience.
Before the grand reveal, we prototype. It's the interactive preview that allows you to navigate through the design. Prototyping ensures that what you see is not just a concept but a tangible, navigable experience.

Web Development.

Back-End Development
The engine behind the scenes – back-end development ensures your site functions seamlessly. From databases to server-side logic, we build a robust infrastructure that powers your online presence.
Front-End Development
What users see and interact with – front-end development brings designs to life. Every visual element, animation, and interaction is meticulously implemented for a flawless user experience.
Site Speed Optimization
Speed matters. We optimize your site for lightning-fast loading times. From image compression to code efficiency, site speed optimization ensures users don't just stay but enjoy a swift, responsive journey.
Quality Assurance
Our Quality Assurance (QA) process is rigorous, ensuring every feature and functionality undergoes thorough testing. It's not just about launching; it's about launching flawlessly.
Your site is not an island. We seamlessly integrate third-party tools, ensuring your site functions harmoniously with payment gateways, analytics, and any other essential services.
App Setup
In a mobile-centric world, we ensure your site is ready for any device. App setup ensures a responsive design, providing an optimal experience across various platforms.

Email Marketing.

Email Strategy
We'll help you craft personalized, engaging campaigns that stick with your audience and drive results. From segmentation to scheduling, we've got your email strategy covered.
Email Design
Our team of creative experts will bring your brand to life with eye-catching visuals, adhesive copy, and irresistible calls-to-action that keep subscribers coming back for more.
Email Development
Wether it's Klaviyo, Mailchimp, or any other tool, we'll set up and optimize your account to maximize its potential, from designing automated workflows to fine-tuning segmentation and personalization.
Analytics & Reporting
Our analytics report pinpoints the biggest opportunities, guiding you towards digital success with precision and clarity.

Let’s Work Together.


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