Email Marketing


Below you’ll learn how we helped Habibi NY, a luxury fragrance brand, transform their email and SMS marketing strategy by shifting from aggressive sales tactics to focusing on storytelling, luxury, and brand education. This approach not only rebuilt trust with their high-end customers but also realigned their messaging to reflect the brand's true values of quality and exclusivity.
Habibi NY is a luxury fragrance brand renowned for its high-end, artisanal perfumes. Catering to an exclusive clientele, Habibi NY is focused on delivering quality and an elevated customer experience rather than relying on discounts or aggressive sales tactics.
  • Email & SMS Strategy
  • Design
  • Klaviyo Development
  • Messaging Optimization

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Habibi NY faced a challenge of having their brand perception weakened due to excessive discount-driven emails, which were misaligned with their luxury identity. The overuse of aggressive sales strategies threatened to alienate their loyal clientele, reducing the effectiveness of both their email and SMS campaigns.
What we did
We pivoted Habibi NY’s marketing strategy by introducing more editorial, story-driven content into their emails. Our focus shifted from hard sales to content that reinforced their values—luxury, exclusivity, and craftsmanship. We also restructured their email automation flows to reflect these values and optimize customer engagement.

Results Achieved.


Click-through rate increase


Increase in conversions

Let’s Work Together.


Custom CSS


Custom CSS
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