
Vital Proteins

Vital Proteins, a prominent player in the collagen industry, has recently made headlines by joining forces with Nestlé. With a brand recognized for its partnerships with celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and various influential figures, they had already secured a significant presence in the market.
  • User Research
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • UX/UI Design
  • Qualitative Analysis

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Vital Proteins found itself grappling with two major hurdles. First, conversion rates were far from ideal. Second, there was a high drop-off rate on the website. These issues were primarily attributed to fragmented messaging and a suboptimal user experience on the site.
What we did
The project, led by our Founder, had serious issues: the messaging on the site was unclear and confusing, leaving users puzzled about who Vital Proteins was and why they mattered. The imagery didn't do much to clarify things either; it was unclear if they were selling protein, milk, or some other supplement. Furthermore, there was a lack of information and communication regarding the generic benefits of collagen. The site's product discovery and taxonomy were also in disarray.

Results Achieved.

Let’s Work Together.


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