Email Marketing


Below you’ll learn how we helped TEAONIC optimize their email marketing strategy by refining their A/B testing process, increasing open rates, and introducing a fresh, engaging tone of voice. Our work focused on highlighting the health benefits of their herbal tonics and aligning email campaigns with broader revenue goals, resulting in higher monthly attributed revenue without disrupting their established system.
TEAONIC is a wellness brand offering handcrafted herbal tonics designed to support health and vitality. Their products are made from a careful selection of herbs, roots, fruits, and flowers, promoting holistic well-being and delivering powerful health benefits.
  • Email Strategy
  • Design
  • Klaviyo Development
  • Messaging

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TEAONIC faced the challenge of increasing revenue through email marketing without overhauling their entire strategy. Their email metrics were solid, but they needed more refined targeting and content that better highlighted their products' health benefits to improve conversion rates and revenue.
What we did
We refined TEAONIC’s email marketing system by implementing a data-driven A/B testing process, focusing on boosting open rates and engagement. We also crafted a more dynamic email cadence that ensured a balance between promotional and educational content. This approach helped TEAONIC consistently communicate the health benefits of their products, ultimately leading to better performance and increased revenue.

Results Achieved.


Increase in click through rates


Increase in open rates

Let’s Work Together.


Custom CSS


Custom CSS
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