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This includes a conversion rate score and a Loom video breaking it down so you know how your store is standing.
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(4.9) Trusted by 450+ Brands

Boost Your eCommerce Metrics

Ditch the "best practices" and cookie-cutter designs. We'll dive deep into your analytics and strategy to help improve key metrics and execute brand-specific design, development, copywriting, and testing.


Non-Cookie Cutter

On-Site Optimizations


Based on a deep analysis of your analytics and ecommerce strategy, our team of CRO experts, designers, copywriters, and developers will optimize your website to improve key metrics.

On-Site Optimizations

Landing Pages

A/B Testing


UX/UI Design

Custom Developent

Trusted by 450+ Brands

Gluud's optimizations are used by brands from all sizes around the world. On average, brands see a 54% increase in coversion rates within 2 weeks of publishing optimizations.

"Their designs were top-notch, and their innovative ideas brought significant improvements."

Domenick Scherpf
Co-Founder, eBoost

"Our conversion rate rose from 1.7% to 2.3%. Overall, very happy with the look and feel of the design"

Jeremy Schmidt
Co-Founder, Blossom

"The team was always on hand to help, and responded immediately to my feedback"

Thomas Hemelryk
Co-Founder, Drowsy Sleep Co